Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The images in my head

Originally posted: Thursday, September 13, 2007

The images in my head
Current mood: restless

I think I’ve watched too many movies....although right now I can’t think of one that has the scene playing in my head.

I love storms.

I love thunder, the kind that shakes your soul, that cracks so loud that you’re sure something somewhere was just demolished.

I love warm rain, I used to walk for miles in the rain... it was almost as each drop that fell pushed me to walk farther, and the more rains soaked I became the more free I became.

Maybe it has something to do with following the rules. “Don’t go out in the rain, you’ll catch a cold.”

“Oh really? Do something I’m not supposed to? Ok! Let’s test that theory.”

The first drops always felt alien and cold... but as my clothes and hair became saturated I didn’t even notice them falling on me, just around me... like I became part of the rain.

I used to dream of kissing in the rain, passions taking over and making love as the thunder crashed.... bodies wet from not only the rain but sweat.

It’s funny how something that you feel you need to stay away from or out of (the rain) becomes so natural, so much a part of you that when it finally comes time to take off the wet clothes, that’s what feels most alien, and you want nothing more than to jump into more (rain)... a nice hot shower, to soak yourself some more......

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