Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's ok, I'm praying.

I drive from Edina to Elk River 5 days a's an ok drive because I'm mostly going against traffic.

I feel bad cruising down the highway at 80mph while the poor saps driving into the Mpls area are almost at a standstill.

I see a lot of things while driving... most are your typical cell phone users not paying attention (myself included on this sometimes) that speed up, go slow, swerve here and there. Some are a little more odd... the pet owners that have dogs and cats everywhere in their vehicles... how you drive with fido lying across your arms is beyond me... once I saw a woman with a bird on her head. Seriously. All I kept thinking was I wonder if she just walks around with bird poop on her head or makes sure she checks herself in the mirror every time she gets out of the car?


Well today I saw a man praying.

He was driving down 94 heading west, hands folded in prayer with heel of his hands on the middle part of the steering wheel, and his finger tips on the top... eyes half closed... praying...

I'm not religious, but I found myself praying just a little too....

"Jesus Christ! Seriously?! I hope that dude doesn't kill someone, maybe that's what he's praying for after he prays for enough money or whatever he thinks is worth praying for while speeding down the highway at 80mph with his hands barely on the steering wheel!"

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Eventually, that's where those little white crosses on the side of the road originate from...